This Basement Treasures Kit Review was brought to you by the EA Creator Network.
Alright, we have a brand-new kit to look at! This Kit is called Basement Treasures and was released on 4/20/2023. This kit has twenty-six (Jezi math) items, all themed around things you typically find in your basement. This is neat, as this is a new area of content not previously seen in the game. Sure, there is CC that covers everything you can imagine, but now there is a Kit by EA for basement stuff. I will warn you now there is a plant in this kit, so be very glad this is a blog instead of a video, as I’d be screaming and carrying on about plants… I love plants that much!
The Buy Objects
From what I count, my math can be questionable… I see twenty-five new buy objects. You will also be pleased to know there is a wide variety of these items. Within this Basement Treasures Kit, there are seating items, clutter items, surface items, decor items, and lighting items. Of course, my favorite is the new plant. I just love plants; what can I say! And… it is even on a little stand!
The overall theme is consistent throughout all the items. All the items defiantly look like something you could find in a basement. I like how the kit is not all about floor clutter pieces; that is more what I was expecting, cobwebs and floor clutter. The theme also stays true throughout the different color swatches on the items, so it all fits together quite well and matches the basement theme.
The Build Objects
There is not much in the building department in this kit. However, there is one new wall paint, which is expected with twenty-five buy objects and the theme being the basement.
Final Thoughts
For a kit, there is a good bit of new content or upcycled elements from previous games. The boxes and corner clutter items are just perfect for this kit. This is not my kind of style. However, I see these items as a handy addition for those who build.
I giggled at the dissembled classic heart-shaped bed, and this kit definitely has nostalgia value from even that acted bed. I really want to see this bed come back into the game. It is just one of those nostalgic elements that many of us remember back to The Sims… Yea, the original Sims. So, I was thrilled to see the reference in The Basement Treasures Kit. Of course, any new plants I am totally down for so… there is that.
I am not generally a kit person, as I use only CC; however, this is not bad for those who build. Definitely some neat additions to your game… and now you can actually make a basement! You can now make basements LOOK like basements without CC. So, the Basement Treasures Kit is handy for those who limit their CC downloads, mix and match CC and EA pieces, or do not use Build/Buy CC.
Keep up with more Sims stuff and what I’m up to at @TSR Jezi.
If you are looking for more blogs and content reviews, check out the following reviews: Bathroom Clutter Kit Review, Pastel Pop Kit Review, Every Day Clutter Kit Review, Courtyard Oasis Kit Review, and Moonlight Chic Kit Review. If you want great build & buy blogs, check out Paige’s Room Reno Series.