For this month’s CC Finds, I have selected something that has come up in conversation lately: CC Piercings! This is definitely an area of CC that I feel like a lot of Simmers miss. There is so much CC here, and the quality is also super good! Plus, facial and body piercings add more variety to your Sims. I love making my Sims full of accessories and unique features, so I frequently use CC Piercings.
Where to Look for CC Piercings
So yes, CC Piercings exists on The Sims Resource, but where do you find it? Well, most of the CC in the piercing department are considered accessories. So you just go to the main downloads page and click The Sims 4 on the Sims Resource site. Once you are here, filter to the Accessories sub-category, select female or male, and then select piercings. This will then give you a slew of CC Piercings to choose from!
CC-LINK – Oh My Goth- Acantha Nose Ring
Another great place to find CC piercings is the Oh My Goth Collab. It is a great place to start for various piercing types; there were SO MANY piercing pieces created in this collab! I love the lip cuff pictured below; so elegant and lovely; I would 100% wear that in real life! You can find the Oh My Goth collab HERE.
CC-LINK – Oh My Goth – Onyx Lip Cuff
You can also just use the search feature and look for specific types of piercings. Of course, if the item is not named or tagged with what you are searching for, it will not appear. I prefer to use the first method of the subcategories and then just sort by date and scroll through ALL the CC options. Sure, it takes a little time, but you get to see it all, and I always fill up a download basket or two this way!
1 – Oh My Goth – Double Piercing Top Lip 
CC-LINK – Oh My Goth – Double Piercing Top Lip
One of my favorite places to get Piercing CC is from the Oh My Goth collab. There are several different styles of piercings, and I just love these double-top lip piercings! So unique, and there just was not a lot of this type of piercings for download, so it is absolutely fantastic to add to a CC collection!
2 – Goddess Belly Piercing
CC-LINK – Goddess Belly Piercing
I, of course, had to add a belly piercing to this list of CC Piercings. The belly ring or piercing was quite popular when I was in college, and it was like all the ladies had one, two, or four. So, of course, had to include this piercing for sure as it is a definite classic!
3 – Onix Nose Piercing
CC-LINK – The Sims Resource – Onix Nose Piercing (Left)
I selected this piercing because it’s a lovely traditional nose piercing design. With these CC Finds, I like to show a variety of CC, everything from fancy to conventional. This particular piece I love because you can use it with just about everything and anything.
4 – Butterfly Nose Ring
CC-LINK – Butterfly Nose Ring
This Butterfly Nose Ring is absolutely adorable! This is another piercing that I feel you can really pair with any outfit. From formal to swimwear, you could totally wear this cute piercing with anything!
5 – Vakoz Collarbone V2 Piercings
CC-LINK – Vakoz Collarbone V2 Piercings
I tried to find a wide variety of body and facial piercings. When I saw these collarbone piercings, I knew I had to add them as they were unique. I have seen something similar to this on someone in real life, and it was super elegant.
6 – Moona Medusa Piercing
CC Link – Moona Medusa Piercing
This is another piercing I came across in my search that was unique. I love the color swatches in this piece and the design, so I had to add them. I have never seen anyone with a piercing in this placement, so that was another reason to add it to this list.
7 – Flashlight Male Earrings
CC-LINK – Flashlight male earrings
I saw these piercings and thought they were perfect for this CC Finds blog. One thing that has always seemed popular to me is the multiple earring piercings. More than just the two front earrings, we are talking about various places around the ear this CC Piercing has.
8 – Vanta Labret Piercing
CC Link – Vanta Labret Piercing
I love, love, love lip piercings! The Vanta Labret Piercing is a more minor piercing but so elegant. I could see this piercing being used daily and in a formal outfit, and I love the detail in the crystal on this piercing!
9 – DS Design Piercing
CC-LINK –DS Design Piercing
This is another lip piercing I just love! I love how this bottom lip piercing covers a good deal of lip and goes from the top to the bottom, making an elegant shape on the Sim’s lip. Yes, the next bit is lip piercings in this CC Finds… because I see many people use eyebrow and nose piercings, and I rarely see lip and body piercings in other Sims content.
10 – Spike Snake Bites
CC-LINK – Spike Snake Bites
For our final CC highlight, these fabulous traditional snake bites! Love these so much; these spike snake bites are perfect and can bring some edge to various looks!
This was a very needed CC Listing, as talking with other Simmers, this is an often overlooked CC category. I was pretty amazed at how many pieces of CC downloads are in the piercing category. There were definitely, many more than I had anticipated. This shows how important it was to spotlight this group of CC.
How many piercings can I fit on a Sim? I downloaded quite a few and even used the basic game piercings to fill in some gaps… This is why I ended up with too many piercings. Probably a bit too much for my tastes, but you do you! I hope you found some fantastic CC Piercings to download, and just remember there are way more than the ones listed in this blog!
Keep up with more Sims stuff and what I’m up to at @TSR Jezi.
If you are looking for more CC Finds, check out the following blogs – CC Find Curly Hairstyles, CC Finds Maxis Match Edition, CC Finds Beach Day, & CC Finds Masculine Sims Hair. Or if you are looking for a great build & buy, check out Paige’s Room Reno Series.