My Glass Pane or Mirror is Missing – What’s Wrong?
If you make a door or window with glass in Sims 3, or you make a mirror and you find that the glass ...
Sims 3 Meshing Tips and Tutorials
The transition from The Sims 2 to The Sims 3 can be a bit jarring and overwhelming at first. Here is a guide of Sims 3 ...
The Sims 3 Seamless Patterns Tutorial
With the The Sims 3, we have the ability to add custom patterns to our game. This means that how we design these ...
Why Is My Window Glass White or Opaque?
If your newly created window for Sims 3 has either white or opaque glass, there are a couple of reasons why this could ...
Baking Shadows with Blender
This tutorial will show you how to automatically create a multiplier using Blender3D (version 2.49) and export it so that it can be ...
How do I assign my vertices to joints in Milkshape?
It’s required to assign the vertices of most objects in Sims 3 (even static objects) to joints. Animated objects such as doors will ...
How to Assign Geostates in TSR Workshop
Geostates are used to display custom ranges of mesh data in the game. A good example are bookcases in the game which fill ...
Why Does My Mesh Have Dark Shadows?
If your mesh has dark shadows, it means that you have not specified smoothing groups correctly in your 3D program. Wherever black shade ...
What are smoothing groups?
Smoothing groups are collections of faces that are meant to be treated as a smooth, curved surface with the other faces in that ...
How to easily extract Sims from screenshots
Many artists like to make previews of their work on plain backgrounds, so that the details of their work aren’t overshadowed by the ...