One of the best things about the Sims Community is the Sims Memes! Yes, you read that correctly. THE MEMES!! I love a good meme, and the Sims Community is with me! Sims do some wonky things, from random glitches to Sims just being Sims… So why not meme them? It just seems so natural, like the Sims were met to be memed.
What is a Meme
Everyone on the internet has seen the image of the two women and the cat… that is a meme. This meme is one of the most popular I have ever seen, wherever it came from. A lot of folks take these images and put jokes on them. Well, I found that someone recreated this meme with Sims… LOL, It’s great! So accurate!
Credit –
So back to what is a Meme? Well, it’s basically a joke. You know, back in the 90s and early 2000s, the shirts people used to wear with the sayings like ‘whatever’ and ‘bite me…’ Well, a Meme is a modern way. Memes are images or gifs with block text referencing something funny and relatable to the audience.
The Beauty of Sim Memes
The great thing about Sims Memes is their relatability. Like I said above, Sims do some wonky… weird… silly things. There are glitches and just randomness when you play the Sims. And this is where Memes happen! Any Simmer understands the strange things Sims can do. And when you forget for a moment, your Sims or the game will surely remind you.
Meme created by Jezi, Build & Image by Nate
Part of the fun for many of us is to share the shenanigans that are our Sims, so naturally, Sim Memes. I can literally spend hours laughing at Sims Memes, as many of us can. Sometimes they are user errors gone hysterically wrong, and other times just Sims being Sims.
Not a Meme… But it should be…
I ran across this the other day; Twitter is one of the great places to find Sim Memes! LOL, this hashtag!! So relatable… Non Simmers are probably like, what is happening here! LOL, Simmers being Simmers, move along… it’s okay.
I’m just imagining the reaction of someone who doesn’t play #TheSims4 seeing this tag trending and it’s hilarious. #WeWantInfants
— raven 🦋 (@rayofsuunshine) January 16, 2023
Jezi’s Top Meme Picks
1 – Relatability
#sims4 #Sims #simmemes @sims
— Devilishfluffer (@devilishfluffer) February 19, 2020
The above Meme is so relatable it hurts! I feel personally attacked, LOL! Relatable memes just make things funnier!
2- Accuracy & Dark Meme
@sims #Sims #simmemes
— Devilishfluffer (@devilishfluffer) February 26, 2020
There is no secret here I love a good Sim death… this meme takes it to an organized level, and I am here for it! That murphy bed is slaying! Lol literally the tool of your Sims demise!
3 – Sims Being Sims
Credit –
Sometimes there are glitches in the game, or the animations just don’t line up… but that looks a bit painful, LOL
4 – *Facepalm

Credited from meme listing – 45 Sims Memes That Are Just TOO REAL – Ultimate Sims Guides
Sometimes it is hard to tell where the meme came from… because the meme is so good it traveled so far on the internet… This meme is so relatable; I have seen this in the game. Like whelp… there goes the house I built!
5 – Glitching into Relatability

Credited Meme listing – Sims Memes That Perfectly Highlight The Game’s Weirdness – Memebase – Funny Memes (
If I were a meme right now… LOL Crazy glitch but a perfect Meme.
6 – TMW Your Child Picks a Meme For You…

Credited Meme Listing –
I will admit I laughed way too hard on this one! My child actually found this one for me. He came into the room and was like, oh, Memes!!! I know you love memes… and this is what he sent me.
7 – When The Sims and Reality Meet

Credited Meme Listing –
If you are a builder or have tried your hand at building… this meme is for you! It just gets all too close to home when there are IRL images turned into Sims memes… but it also makes it even funnier.
8 – How I Decorate…

Credited Meme Listing –
This meme has been around for a while but has yet to get old and is very accurate! I mean, really, you cannot go wrong with just adding more plants! Is there such a thing as too many plants? NO! That is not even a question for a Simmer!
9 – Dreams & Hopes

Credit – Reddit
Reddit is sometimes worse than Twitter… It can be a dark, savage place, but the memes are fire! And sometimes, Simmers use memes to illustrate what they truly desire in the game.
10 – Jezi in a Meme
Credited Meme Listing –
Well, this one takes the cake… another find from my child. I just don’t know what to say. LOL, he apparently knows me!
Jezi’s Memes
I have been known to use images that I am given, find, or create for Sim Memes. What can I say? My Simmer friends probably just love me… BAHAHAHA
Meme created by Jezi, image by Sim_Man123
Sometimes, we wrong get a little crazy here on The Sims Resource staff team and make relatable memes based on current events. LOL
And sometimes, I just make fun of myself and my lack of building skills.
Meme created by Jezi, image by Willeekmer
We have a good time laughing at whatever madness is going on in our Sims game. The Shenanigans get a little crazy, LOL. I have a blast making memes with friends we get a good laugh out of it!
So where do we go from here… Goals… yes, goals. I really need to start making Sims Memes again. Memes are pretty enjoyable, and I love making them! I saw the below tweet the other day and thought… THIS IS PERFECT! So EGGCELLENT! See what I did there! I am totally ready for this!
Existential crisis #TheSims4 #TheSims
— PugOwned Plays (@PugownedS) January 15, 2023
If you are looking for more blogs, check out Paige’s Room Reno series HERE or my Get That Look Series HERE
I also have a blog all about the random and strange things Sims do that you can find HERE
Keep up with more Sims stuff and what I’m up to at @TSR Jezi. I post all my memes or meme finds on my Sims Twitter Page, so if you want more, follow me there!