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Little Campers Kit Review

This Little Campers Kit Review is Presented by The EA Creator Network.

Two new kits released this week! Today we’re taking an in depth look at the Little Campers Kit, a build/buy collection focused on backyard camping for child Sims.

I don’t know about any of you, but I have a lot of really fond memories of camping in my backyard during the summer as a kid. We used to pile into tents, siblings and cousins and friends, and all fall asleep while the crickets chirped and the fireflies drifted by. So when I heard that this kit was coming, I was really excited to see it! Did it live up to my expectations?

In short–it did! I’ve reviewed a few kits so far, and I try to keep in mind that they’re small pieces of DLC for players that have specific play styles. For someone like me, who loves to play with families and also really enjoys landscaping and making intricate yards, this pack was practically made for me.

The objects are all really cute, with my favorite being the backyard projector (we used to hook our Wii up to ours and play Mario Kart on the back of the house) and the folding chairs decorated with animal faces. What little camper wouldn’t want to roast a marshmallow in a panda chair?

I will mention that a lot of the objects that come with the pack are limited in functionality if you don’t have other DLC. You can only roast marshmallows around the fire if you just have the Little Campers Kit. The projection screen plays regular TV instead of movies, which is a tad annoying when considering the items you’re paying for.

But is the Little Campers Kit worth it for YOU? If you love to play with kids and families or working on backyard builds, I think you’d really enjoy it! But for people who would barely touch these items in their gameplay, you’re better off saving your money a different kit or pack that will suit you better.

If you’ll excuse me, I’m off to roast some (virtual) marshmallows!

Moonlight Chic Kit

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