Hello, and welcome to our first edition of Makeover Magic! Get your shopping basket ready as we take the iconic Sim Townie Household… The Landgraabs, and give them a much-needed makeover. We are doing a complete makeover of the entire household, plus Johnny Zest. That’s right, we are doing a FULL Landgraabs Makeover with tons of CC! So, in these Townie Makeovers, I will pick a super big fashion trend and try to pull off looks with the selected townies to make the makeover a little more challenging.
Landgraab Recap
I recently uploaded a YouTube video on the Landgraabs and their lore. As far as townies go, The Landgraabs are not my favorite… mainly because of Nancy. However, The Landgraabs are the most extensive family in The Sims franchise, generation-wise. I say most extensive as there are more Landgraabs than Goths. So, I won’t spoil the video, but Johnny Zest is, in my mind, a Landgraab, so I included him in this Townie Makeover.
If you want more information on the Landgraabs, you can find the YouTube Landgraab Lore HERE or read an older blog I did on Landgraab Lore HERE.
Why Barbiecore and Kencore
So why Barbiecore? Why not? It’s super in right now, and there are tons of CC for Barbiecore here at TSR. And I think Johnny Zest will make a super adorable Ken. I already know exactly what I am putting him in! This is going to be fantastic! And as always, I don’t do things halfway, soooo… I did A lot of outfits in Barbiecore and Kencore. So happy downloading!
Featured CC – Hairstyle, Skin, Nose Mask, Eyeshadow, Eyeliner, Lip gloss, Earrings, & Necklace
Woahhh… Nancy, is that you? It really is, and I did not change genetics aside from adding skin details and overlays. No reconstructive surgery, just the magic of CC in this Landgraabs Makeover!
Featured CC – Hairstyle, Facial Hair, & Skin
Yes, we are going to just call the masculine Ken-inspired styles Kencore. Many of you say, “Jezi, what in the world is Kencore.” Well… it’s similar to Barbiecore. I have seen this style referred to a few times. Mainly relating to the beach, vintage, and western looks, but still with that preppy clean vibe. But it’s all about color and expression. With the Landgraab family plus Johnny Zest, it has three masculine-styled Sims, so I figured why not. Johnny and Malcolm look alike and have standard beach blonde hair like a classic Ken.
How to find Barbiecore & Kencore CC
You can find Barbiecore CC in a variety of different ways at TSR. The first way is just looking through all the content; the color pink is trendy, so CC in pink is released quite frequently. You can also search for terms like; Barbie, Ken, or Pink to find CC tagged with those terms. Other good places to look if you are looking for a more retro barbie inspired look are the Retro Reboot or Simixities Collabs. These have loads of CC if you want that Vintage Barbie vibe. The Life’s A Beach, The Perfect Night, and MinimalSIM Collabs are excellent starting places to find more modern Barbiecore and Kencore CC.

Featured CC – Nails & Rings
You can also find CC links in the following Blogs about Barbiecore; Barbie Movie Inspired Lookbook, Barbiecore Sims, & CC Finds – Sim Shoe Shopping.
The Makeovers
Ok, Now we are going to have some goals. With Nancy… the goal is to make her presentable. That is it. No clown makeup and something pink and like an ‘organization’ boss… *coughs crime lord would wear. That is the goal, and that might be a stretch! LOL
For Geoffrey, I am keeping it simple as he will be in more beach Kencore attire for this Landgraab Makeover. I want lots of colors, but nothing too much. But I want him to look like he has a sense of style to own that secret agent vibe.
Malcolm will be dressed in Western CC as he would look good in Western CC and maybe even darker colors.
We are going to go vintage and colorful with Johnny. I never realized he had green eyes, so I think he will look good in purple and orange colors.
Featured CC – CAS BG, Everyday Dress, Shoes, Formal Hairstyle, Dress, Athletic Hairstyle, Accessory Top, Undershirt, Shorts, & Sneakers
We are just going to go right out and say it. Nancy needed a makeover, like badly. Style-wise, out of all the Sims… Nancy needs a makeover the most! But I never play her because she is so mean, so she usually just pops up occasionally, and I scream in terror when I see her hot mess express stroll by, only to forget she exists until her next visit. Now I won’t be forgetting she exists in my gameplay! She looks great!
Featured CC – Nightgown, Shoes, Flower Accessory, Bikini top, skirt, Piercing, Sandals, Sequins Top, Pants, Cold Weather Hairstyle, Coat, Boots, & Gloves
So, since Nancy is on the criminal career path, I wanted something still Barbiecore that somewhat suited her career. Not like you are not going to see someone in bright pink, even if they are sneaky, but whatever… we are not here for practicality; we are here for style!
Featured CC – Swimwear Top, Trunks, Casual Top, Pants, Shoes, Hot weather Top, & bottoms
Out of the bunch, Geoffrey really seems like a good Sim. I am unsure why he is with Nancy or how his child (Malcolm) is becoming evil, but maybe there is hope. Because Geoffrey is such a good Sim, I wanted to do his Kencore look in something that would flatter him a bit better.

Featured CC – Swimwear Top
If you play townies or look at them, you know Geoffrey’s occupation does not match his looks. Which I know is purposeful; however, I think he could clean up a bit more. Of all these Landgraabs Makeovers, I think Geoffrey’s casual look is best. All of his beach attire looks amazing as well! I am glad I could get him looking sharp in Kencore! You look great, Geoffrey!

Featured CC – Hairstyle, Facial Hair, & Top
I might play Malcolm to try to save him. We have cheats; we can fix him, right? I know one thing after the makeover: Malcolm will be changed. He was not a poorly styled Townie before; we just CCified him in Kencore, and POOF, he looks ready to own his own ranch!

Featured CC – Top, Pants & Shoes
And now Johnny. One of the other reasons I selected Barbiecore as the trend, aside from being one of the biggest current trends, is that I thought Johnny would look absolutely cute in Kencore. I went a little more retro than Geoffrey’s preppy beach style and Malcom’s clean cowboy for Johnny. I thought the retro and bold patterns would look great on stage for Johnny’s dream job.

Featured CC – Robe, PJ Bottoms, Socks, Coat, Jeans With Chaps, & Boots
Overall, this Landgraabs Makeover turned out great. It is vibrant, colorful, and cheery looking. Except for Malcolm in brown, that works for the western style of Kencore, as it is super clean and has a lovely elegant design on the shirt. I tried to incorporate different elements of the Barbiecore and Kencore trends; Retro, Beach Prep, western, and posh. There are so many different ways to do Barbiecore looks that I wanted to match the style to the goals, career, or personality of the Sim. I hope you find loads of CC to download! Happy Simming!

Featured CC – Hairstyle, Facial Hair, Glasses, & Necklace
Keep up with more Sims stuff and what I’m up to at @TSR Jezi.
If you want more Lookbooks, check out Get That Look – Mermaidcore, Gilmore Girls Inspired Lookbook, Y2K Fashion, or Look Boho Western.