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Bored with The Sims 4? Part 2 – Building and Decor Ideas to try

The Sims 4 has been around for a long time, so what do you do when you get bored with the Sims 4? Well, there are loads of ways to play the Sims 4, you can create sims, play the gameplay, do challenges, or build and decorate.  I suggest if you are bored with the game try something new that interests you.  In this blog, we are going to be looking at building and decor ideas in The Sims 4.  There are tons of ideas here and if you are looking for Create A Sim Ideas you can find them HERE.

Building and Decorating

CC in this photo can be found HERE

So when we look at building and decorating in The Sims 4, we are talking about anything under the build mode of the game or the interior decorator career.  I know some players only like to remodel through the interior decorator career as a way to role-play in their game, and that totally counts!  Of course some of these challenges and play types like the build specialties need to be in the build gameplay for full functionality.


A very popular method of gameplay is to complete challenges within or created outside of the game. There are some challenges built into the game, making it super easy to track your progress.  You can also find player-made challenges as well.  What I enjoy about these challenges is that at any time you can decide if you want to add to them to make them a bit more difficult, as challenging can totally be fun!

Build Size Challenge – Tiny Home/Micro Home

One of the most popular building challenges is the Tiny Home Challenge.   If you have the Tiny Living Stuff Pack there are in-game additions to guide you through completion along with furniture designed to help you on the way.  I personally find these styles of homes the most challenging for building and decor ideas. Of course, if you do not have this stuff pack you can still totally build a tiny home, it just will not have the perks for you like with the pack.

According to the Tiny Stuff Pack, a Micro Home has a max of 32 tiles, a Tiny Home has a max 64 tiles, and a small home has a max of 100 tiles.   I have personally tried the Micro Home, and it is tough to get everything inside the house!  I had to put a dining area outside and really use the outside space to make the house functional!

Budget Challenges/Starter Homes

Budget Challenges and Starter Homes are another popular challenge.  The most common one I have seen is the 10k or Under Starter Home Challenge.  With this challenge, you need to build a lot that is under 10k with everything the Sim needs and make sure the lot looks nice!  Of course, you can do other ones like Under 25k and 100k, but I find the 10k quite challenging!

Timed Challenges

Another building and decor idea is the timed challenges can be applied to many different areas of the game.  For building and decorating all you do is set your timer to the desired time and get going.  The goal is to complete your remodel or build within that time frame.  The catch is as soon as the timer goes off the build or remodel is just done.

Era Challenges

CC in this photo can be found HERE

I have never tried a full lot in anEra Challenge,  but I understand the concept.  Basically, you pick a period and build or decorate according to it.  To make this particular challenge a bit easier we do have the SIMythology & Foklore Collab, the Renaissance Collab, the Steampunk’d Collab, the Retro Reboot Collab, the CyFi Collab, and the Simxties Collab.  All of which you can find CC that fits into eras!

Color Challenges

You can find my Color Patelle Pinterest Board HERE

I personally enjoy Color Challenges.  Whether it be a One Color Challenge or a Color Pallete Challenge, I enjoy this form of remodeling.  I typically do these Challenges to take mini breaks from Creating Sims and lookbooks, and find them quite fun!

Theme Challenges

CC in this photo can be found HERE

If none of these building or decor ideas pique your interest you can always pick a theme or aesthetic and create by that style or theme.  You can take inspiration for really anything, with CC downloaded there are no limits to what you can create


Building and interior design in the Sims 4 has no limit when it comes to creativity.  Mods and Custom Content, CC help open abilities for creativity, making the options almost limitless.  That is the beauty of the Sims 4, you can play and create as you wish.

Remake/Remodel Base Game or EP Lots

CC in this photo can be found HERE

A trend that I have tried a few times is to remodel existing lots that come in the base game or expansion packs.  So far I have personally remodeled the Goth, Pancake, and Vatore Lots.  I am not as strong of a builder as I would like, but I feel confident in my interior decorating skills.

Make lots & rooms from IRL Designs/blueprints

Not my build but my friend’s

Many creators take inspiration from in real-life (IRL) designs and incorporate them into the game.  This can be challenging and fun all at the same time.  I have only tried this a couple times the first one flopped completely, but the second try I did try to make a Barbie-inspired mansion that you can find on Youtube HERE.  Sadly my save got lost and I lost the build. 🙁

Make your own home in-game

Out of everything I have tried to build or decorate I had the most fun building my actual home in the game.  Since I am in the long process of remodeling an entire old farmhouse I use this build to test aesthetic looks quite frequently.  It was a lot of fun and you can read all about it in this blog HERE.

Build an entire World

Several builders create entire world saves of lots.  Sometimes they theme them to specific themes or eras and other times, they theme them to the Sims neighborhoods.  I absolutely love watching these and can only dream of the day I will be able to complete such a feat.

RNG (Random Number Generator)

RNG is a method that some in the Simming community use as a fun way to decorate.  Basically, you just randomly select by rolling or picking a number on your decorative, build, and buy items.  If you are like me and love things to match this may not be the playstyle for you.  LOL

Different rooms Different Theme/pack/color

CC in this photo can be found HERE

I have seen this method of decorating frequently with colors and packs.  Each room has a different theme or color, of course again if you love things matching this may not be the style for you, but at least the individual rooms will match right?

Community & Friends

For some of us, gaming is better with friends, and even though the Sims 4 is a single-player game that does not mean you have to play it all alone!  The Simming community is huge and all over the internet! You can find Simmers everywhere from Discord, official forums, and social media platforms.

Chill & Build ordecorate

One of my favorite things to do is hang out in a Discord call and Sim with my friends! We share our creations, challenge each other, and learn from one another.  It is calming and always a great time!  This is most definitely how I learned to build!  For me, this is a lot of fun and I get tons of building and decor ideas from playing the game with friends.

Shell Challenges

One activity I see loads of Simmers participating in is Shell Challenges.  It is becoming quite common for Social Media Content Creators to build shells for their communities to decorate.  These are quite popular and look like a ton of fun!

Social Media

The Simming Community is very large and you can find Simmers on almost any platform of Social Media.  There are contests, group activities, and loads of Simmers to share screenshots with and just have a good time!

Where to Find Inspiration

If you are looking for fresh building and decor ideas for your builds and room designs in addition to our resources, I personally find Pinterest a great place to find Simspiration.  I also host all of our bingo boards and color palettes on Pinterest so that they are easy to find!  You can truly bring anything that inspires you to the game.

CC in this photo can be found HERE

The one thing I truly adore about this game is that there is no wrong way to play the game.  With this game you can play how you want, if you want to build in all pastels you absolutely can or if you want to make only Goth-styled Sims, you totally can do that as well!

Blog Series Links

BORED PLAYING THE SIMS 4 – PART 1 Create A Sim & Part 3 Gameplay (coming soon)

CC in this photo can be found HERE

Keep up with more Sims stuff and what I’m up to at @TSR Jezi.

If you are looking for more guides, please check out the following – Getting Involved in The Sims CommunityStrange Things Sims DoSimology 101, or my CAS with Jezi Series.

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