The TSR Spring Collab – Retro Reboot is full of great Custom Content that is all Retro-themed for your Sims! If you missed Part 1 of this blog you can find it HERE. Part 1 highlights a lot of CAS and Sims that are included in this TSR Spring Collab. For Part 2, we are going to jump right in looking at lots, rooms, build features, and buy items.
The Retro Reboot Collab items will begin releasing on March 23rd and continue until March 31st! Some items will be VIP Access for 7 days and after that they will be available for public download.
There are quite a few lots that will be popping up on TSR very soon. The exciting part about these lots is that they are all different and feature a different period of time. Each build is within the Retro timeline of the 1930s – 1980s and each has its very own unique look.

Evi’s Open-Air Market
There are a total of thirteen builders contributing to the Retro Reboot Collab. Of these lots the sky is the limit and there are residential lots, cafes, diners, an open-air market… all sorts of Retro-themed lots for your Sim worlds!
Sharon337’s Mid Century Living residential lot was the first lot I downloaded for this Retro Reboot Collab. I must say I am quite smitten with this lot, particularly the architectural beauty and overall vibrancy of the home. For someone who loves to take in-game images this home is a dream and is fully decorated and perfect. This is one lot I know you will all love!

Room by Sharon337
The rooms coming in the Retro Reboot Collab are absolutely stunning. Seeing all the CC used and put in a detailed room really shows the depth of this collab. As of now, there are twenty-six unique rooms included in the collab.
These rooms range in all styles of the Retro timeline and are all themed along a particular decade and theme. For example, Dasie2 created a super cute 60s living area. The living area is complete with plenty of wooden furniture, a retro record player, some brightly colored decorative pillows, decade-themed decorations, and some fabulous wallpaper.
Another really neat room is Evi’s OP ART room. This room is themed in black and white patterns of all kinds with accents of red and green. This entire room is a piece of art. The decorations in this room include a variety of matching art pieces in the black and white color theme.
One of the areas that has ample options is the build section of the Retro Reboot Collab. There are so many fun patterned retro walls and wooden floors, you can be happily remodeling ALL of your lots to retro themes.

Mural by Moniamay72
One element in Sims 4 CC that is rather new to me is Murals. I have recently been using this type of CC for in-game photography and photo staging. Murals have been an absolute game changer and really speed up my process. This collab has some exceptional murals that you will all love for retro portrait sitting!
There are also several new widows and building material items coming in this Retro Reboot. You will now be able to completely design a Retro themed estate with ALL the fixings.

Retro Kitchen Room By Sharon337 — Retro Kitchen Items by Kardofe
Before we dive right in, I need to warn you of the amount of detailed content that is included in this collab. During the creation period of this collab, I downloaded over 2GBs of CC and this was before everything was complete. A good deal of this was in Kitchen Buy items! There is no joke about it, the kitchen items in this collab are above and beyond expectation. Behold and enjoy pristine countertops and brightly colored retro cabinets!
Another element I enjoy about the Retro Reboot Collab is the amount of decorative and art items. We all like our clutter and decorative CC, but this collab is something special. Beautiful pieces of artwork and masterfully designed decor. Of course, this includes records!
Speaking of music, there are a plethora of radios in this collab. We all know that radios were extremely important in the retro years and they are well represented in this batch of content!
One element I find unique and needed in my own Sim’s homes are clocks. A lot of times I take wall items for granted and leave my Sims with bare, wallpapered walls. But, no longer. Servinka has created for this collab a set of wall clocks and a set of table clocks. These clocks come in a variety of styles and are pieces of art.

Objects (Read Me) by Soloriya & Lot by Evi (Newsstand Cafe)
All of these highlighted items are in the upcoming Retro Reboot Collab. Just a reminder The Retro Reboot Collab items will begin releasing on March 23rd and continue to March 31st! Some items will be VIP Access for 7 days, after that they will be available for public download.
Part 1 of the Retro Reboot Collab can be found HERE.