Welcome back to The Sims Resource! Today, we’re checking out some of our favorite mods for the Sims 4 that help to expand and improve your gameplay. Let’s get started!
T. O. O. L. and Better Build/Buy by TwistedMexi
Let’s start off with a modder who you can find here at TSR! TwistedMexi has made loads of epic mods for The Sims 4, but I decided to spotlight two of my all-time favorites for this blog. T. O. O. L., or “Takes Objects Off Lot”, lets you…take objects off the lot! This allows for more space to build without having to put objects back in your inventory.
Meanwhile, Better Build/Buy makes building a breeze! In addition to expanding the build/buy catalog for better visibility, it allows you to build freely without any cheats necessary. You can even filter for debug or live edit objects without having to input the commands! Build filters are also better optimized with this mod. Better Build/Buy can be paired with T.O.O.L., allowing T.O.O.L. to be used in build mode instead of just live mode. A more dynamic duo of build mods has never existed. You can find TwistedMexi on TSR or on Patreon.
U. I. Cheats Extension and More Columns in CAS by weerbesu
Let’s get into some live mode and CAS mods! One of my most-used mods is the UI Cheats extension created by weerbesu. The UI cheats extension allows you to use cheats without any of the codes–you can simply enable them through the user interface (hence the name!). I use this mod all the time when I want to improve a Sim’s mood or change a relationship without going through the gameplay.
Another incredible mod from weerbesu is the More Columns in CAS mod. This mod…well, it does what it says it does. More CAS columns! If you have loads of custom content like me, you know how hard it can be to see all of your downloaded content easily. With this mod, you can see everything you own displayed in multiple rows. While this may seem simple, it makes a world of difference when working in CAS, and I can’t recommend it enough. weerbesu can be found on Patreon.
Resorts & Hotels Mod and Slice of Life by KawaiiStacie
KawaiiStacie, along with having one of the most adorable websites known to man, makes some of my favorite Sims mods. One of her most iconic mods is the Slice of Life mod, which allows for greater depth of gameplay in whatever way you like by choosing packs to go along with it. My favorite is the “My Social Life” pack, which expands the social interactions between Sims (which can get stale when you’ve played as many hours as I have!).
Stacie also has a wide variety of career mods, my favorite being the Resorts & Hotels Mod. This mod allows you to not only stay at lots given the new hotel lot trait, but it lets your Sims become the owners of their very own resorts! This is a gameplay feature that people have been asking about for years, and you can get it completely for free! You can find both of these mods and KawaiiStacie on her website or on Patreon.
World Editor and Farmland Mod Pack by Arnie
Arnie is a renowned modder for The Sims 4, and for good reason. He created the World Editor mod, which allows players to create their own worlds in the Sims 4. That’s right–from trees to roads to oceans, you have all the power in making your very own custom Sims 4 world. Not only is this tool insanely cool, it also allows for the ultimate amount of customization in game. What are you waiting for? Go make the world your own (literally!).
The Farmland Mod Pack has been waited upon by the community for eons, and it’s almost here! Coming out on June 25th for patrons and July 9th for the public, the Farmland Mod Pack comes with a semi-open world full of lots, a story mode, and even gameplay with adorable animals. From cows to pigs to horses to aquaculture (fish farms), there really is every variety of animal included. On top of animals, there’s an expansive crop growing mode that uses the new tractor and water pipes to help your Sims keep up with all of their plants. All this from just a small mod team? Color me impressed (and ready to farm!). You can find Arnie on Patreon.
Color Sliders for Hair and Clothing and More Traits in CAS by thepancake1 and MizoreYukii
One of the most exciting new mods released for The Sims 4 was the color slider mod, created by thepancake1 and MizoreYukii. The color slider allows for hair and clothing–both from the game and CC, if the creator decides–to be completely customized to any shade you want! Do you feel stifled from the lack of colors that come with the game? The color slider mod is everything you want.
Another great mod by thepancake1 and MizoreYukii is the More Traits in CAS mod! This mod allows you to add more than just three traits to your Sims. If you’re anything like me, you want your Sims to be as fleshed out as possible, and this mod allows for that by giving them more traits, like they’ve had in past entries in the series. I love the ability to make my Sims more lifelike with just the addition of a mod. You can find thepancake1 and MizoreYukii on Patreon.
Thank you for checking out today’s mod spotlight! Be sure to follow each modder’s instructions for installation! We love the Sims community and how vibrant and creative the modders are so we wanted to take a post to thank them for everything they do. There might even be more mod spotlights in the future 🙂 If you liked this blog, be sure to check out Room Reno: Victorian Gothic as well as our guide to using Sims 4 mods. Happy Simming!