It’s time for another Laundry List! EA has released the list of the top community-reported issues that they are currently investigating.
This month’s list is as follows. I’ve added a bit of information about the issue, but you can also click on any of the issues to visit the Answers HQ post where the issue is currently being discussed.
Laundry List: July 6th, 2021
-Dried Scales Moodlet Won’t Go Away
Mer-sims, after reaching too-low of a level of hydration, will receive this moodlet. Upon rehydrating, the moodlet should go away – it isn’t.
-Animation to put laundry in washing machine is glitched
Sims are holding laundry sideways behind them when transfering laundry loads.
-Whiskers not showing up on cats in CAP
The Mysterious Case of the Missing Whiskers. Self explanatory – cats don’t have any whiskers for unknown reasons.
-[PS/XB] Bunny Slope not counting for Extreme Sports Enthusiast
Sims with the Sports Enthusiast aspiration are unable to complete the “Go Down The Bunny Slope” achievement.
-[XB/PS] Slopes not unlocking beyond easy
Medium, Expert, and Ludacris snowboarding options have simply disappeared from the menu.
-Walls disappearing / Clipping in mirror reflection
Originally this issue was with the reflection of doors and windows not appearing correctly after the Star Wars patch. Apparently in fixing that, now entire walls are no longer reflecting.
-Sectional Couch Swatches: Colors differ slightly per section
The new sectionals from Dream Home Decorator react to lighting as individual sections rather than as a whole object.
-Sims fail university despite meeting all criteria
Regardless of grades, skills, homework, etc, sims always fail all classes with an “F” for no apparent reason.
-Expire Date on food vanishes when put in fridge/ Travelling
Typically, prepared food will say something like “Expires in: 8 hours.” This expiration date is now disappearing, and the food seemingly never expires. (Can I get this bug in real life?)
-Can’t Purchase Droid
Sims are unable to purchase any droids from Batuu – either BB or R2 from the Droid shop.
-Scattered Panes windows have incorrect shadow
Certain windows are not casting light/shadow into a room properly.
-‘New’ Highlights in Buy mode doesn’t disappear
The star-shaped badge that highlights new content in BuyMode isn’t going away.
-Family Tree and “Step” relationships broken
Self explanatory. The family tree is not showing relationships properly for any “step” relationships.
-Broken family tree
Large family trees are generally messed up. They often feature broken branches and children with no parents, etc.
-Top-notch Trickery: ID Card vanishes
The “Top-Notch Trickery” mission on Batuu requires an ID card that disappears. Upon traveling home, multiple copies exist.
-Sleep interactions gets stuck in queue
Self-explanatory. The sleep interaction gets stuck and sims are then unable to complete any other task because the game thinks they are sleeping.
-Troubles getting/keeping roommates
Roommates seem to be unable to recognize their bed. This results in them moving out within a day or so because their needs aren’t being met.
Answers HQ
If you are experiencing any of these, or other issues, please report them on EA’s Answers HQ forum.