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Get That Look – Renaissance Festival

Welcome to another edition of Get That Look!  Today we are going to be discussing what to wear to a Renaissance Festival for your Sims!  Oh yes!  Knights, Princesses, Kings, Pirates, and Viking attire! This is going to be a challenge as we have tons and tons of CC perfect for your Renaissance Festival looks and I can only pick a little bit!  There is so much more!  If you are looking for more CC There is an ENTIRE Artist collab dedicated to EVERYTHING Medieval so check out the Ye Medieval Collab for even MORE CC for your Renaissance Festival looks!

What is it?

Featured Sim by Starafanka

So what is a Renaissance Festival?  Well, it is a festival or fair that is themed in a Renaissance theme.  The one by me is an entire Renaissance village full of shops, food, shows, actors, animals, activities, and anything you can think of that fits this theme.  They have jousting, a pirate ship maze, fair rides, sword shops, and food all themed to the Renaissance era.  They also have special theme weeks like Pirates and Vikings.  A lot of times people attending the festival dress up in Renaissance-styled outfits to attend, just like the actors.  My brother worked at the Renaissance Festival for many years, so I understand a good deal about how the festival works.

Featured Sim by Divaka45

I am not sure what my favorite element about the Renaissance Festival is… I enjoy the shows, the jousting, the artwork, the swords, and the falconry show.  The whole event is very fun and I love to go every year.  Definitely want to dress up on Viking Week with my Kid and go this year!

The Trend/Timing

Renaissance Festival looks are trending on social media at present because it is the season for them.  Pretty simple right?  There are loads of Renaissance Festivals during the summer months here in the United States.  The one closer to me is generally September and October, as it is still warm enough to be outside all day without a heavy coat.  So there is no surprise that we are starting to see loads of Renaissance Festival looks and styles trending on Social Media.

The CC

Featured Sim by DarkWave14

So when looking for CC for this edition of Get That Look, I relied heavily on the Ye Medieval Collab.  There is just so much CC for great Renaissance Festival looks in this collab that you can not go wrong with downloading these CC pieces.


Featured Sim by Darkwave14

For Renaissance Festival clothing options, there really is quite a bit.  You just pick a direction for your Sims, whether it be a Noble, Commoner, Royalty, Knight, Pirate, or Viking.  Once you select your desired direction of Sim, you can start dressing them.  There are long fancy dresses, commoner clothing, suits of armor, battle-ready wear, and even swashbuckling Pirate garbs all available for downloading here at TSR.

Featured Sim by Divaka45

There is also a good amount of Artist made Sims at TSR to make your Renaissance Sim Festivals or worlds much easier!  The Ye Medieval Collab had many lovely Sims included in it, but there are even more to select from at TSR.  The great part about this is all the CC is already packaged and the Sims look wonderful!


Featured CC – Hairstyle, Eyeshadow, Eyeliner, Face Paint, Piercing, & Feathers

Generally speaking, makeup for Renaissance Festival is fairly natural, aside from a bit of blush or lipstick.  There are plenty of options you can find at TSR to accommodate this look.  There are also plenty of options for pirate or Viking-styled makeup as well if you wish to go with that variant.  These two variants are a bit more involved.  Pirate makeup includes dark eyeliner and Viking makeup is more face paints and markings, all of which you can find here at TSR.


Featured Sim by Darkwave14

For accessories, it really depends on the variant of the Renaissance Festival look you are going for.  You can select to put flowers in your Sims’ hair or add tiaras, headwraps, Pirate hats, Crowns, or Viking braids.  There are a lot of options to select from, so again just depends on the style you select.


Featured Sim by Divaka45

Again hairstyles vary per your direction on styling your Sim.  But if you are looking for lovely noble lady hairstyles there are loads of hairstyles with accessory caps and such.  There are loads of braids and updos perfect for whatever direction you desire to take your Renaissance Festival Sims.  Just don’t forget your accessories for your hairstyles!


As I have mentioned several times your looks really depend on the direction of your Sim.  If you want your Sim to be a Noble, Commoner, Princess, Viking, or Pirate you just stick with that direction and search for the CC.  A good way to get a full set of themed CC is to download full Sims.  These Sims are all well thought out and have the full package of CC already set up for you.  If you want to mix and match, the CC is already downloaded or you can always go CC shopping yourself as well.

Featured CC – Hairstyle, Eye Patch, Facial Hair, Earrings, piercing, & Outfit

Overall I enjoyed the Renaissance Festival looks.  I downloaded several premade Sims just as I wanted to showcase them.  I adore the ones in the  Ye Medieval Collab.  The only thing I wish I would have highlighted would be some flowers in the hair.  Just to give a nice romantic Renaissance Romantic look, I am such a hopeless romantic lol.  You can find a gorgeous flower crown HERE that will work wonders for a nice Renaissance look.  Aside from that and maybe a suit of armor which there are some here on TSR to download, I think I covered all the other basis for getting a Renaissance Festival look for your Sims.

Keep up with more Sims stuff and what I’m up to at @TSR Jezi.

If you are looking for more CC to get your Sim ready for a Renaissance Festival check out the following – Ye Medieval CAS Preview Video, Ye Medieval Room Reno Blog, or Ye Medieval Collab Trailer Video.

Just a Reminder you can find the full Ye Medieval Collab HERE

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