Hey all, It is Jezi, and for this CC Finds, we will be looking at Masculine CAS CC. There is so much Masculine CAS CC here at TSR that we will break this down into parts. Today, we will look at skin details, overlays, eyebrows, and makeup. All these elements, in my mind, really add the finishing touches to your Sims. So many times, I have caught even myself not giving my male Sims not enough attention in the designing process. So, this listing here is to help you find CC for your masculine-styled Sims.
Skin Details
Using skin details is a great way to get unique Sims. I feel as if I do not use skin details on my Sims, they are just unfinished. Most of my Sims have at least eyebags, contour, and a skin overlay. That being said, you can do more; the more you do, the more unique your Sims become.
Face Details
We are going to start with face details. There are many different types here at TSR, from contours to eyelids to eye bags and even more. You can create your unique Sim using details like this, turning your base game Sims into something much more!
MANUEL’S Eyelids Overlay

Eyebags Overlay NB02
Male Masculine Contour | N01
Spotless Default Skinblend
Freckles 17 (HQ)
Body Details
Creating your dream Sim does not stop with just the face. You can also download details for your Sims’ bodies, like more body hair. I think the body hair CC looks a bit more realistic, and if you are looking for more realism, CC is the way to go!
Fusion (Front torso)
Bronco (Arms)
YeMedieval Battle Scars
Skin Overlays
With CC, you have Skin Details and Skin Overlays. Both can be found in the same Skin Details tab but are very different. Skin Details are specific elements: contour, eye bags, nose mask… etc. Skin Overlays are an entire overlay that covers the Sim fully. So, if you are looking for a faster way to create Sims with lots of details, Skin Overlays are a perfect way to do it!
Male Elder Skin 01
Sunny male skintones 0623 by S-Club
Ismael Skin
Face Overlays
Another super quick way to create a Sim is to download face overlays. If you are trying to make a specific look for a Sim, character, or celebrity style, face overlays are the quickest way to achieve it! You just download it and pop the face overlay on, and POOF done!
Ayoub Face Mask N24
Hideo Face Mask N46
Skin Will
CAS Presets
CAS presets are another quick way to get your Sim out of base game mode. You can either alter the preset after or just keep it as designed, all your choice!
Body Presets
I use a lot of body presets for my Sims. It makes it so much easier to make Sims unique. Of course, if you use the same body preset, they will all look the same; however… It’s your game, so you do you.
Male Nosepreset N3B
BodyPreset N20
Plus Size Body Preset 05
Nose Presets
I struggle with adjusting noses, so I have loads of presets downloaded! Again, it speeds my CAS process up and allows me to design a Sim how I want to, without the struggle.
Nose Preset 23 (HQ)
Male Nosepreset N3B
Nose Preset N05
Mouth Presets
These presets are much better than the base game ones. For lips, they generally have more natural shapes, and I personally like that.
Mouth Preset N3 (male)
Rasmus Mouth Preset N09
Suraj Mouth Preset N13
Other Presets
There are loads of presets at TSR, Not just bodies, lips, and noses. You can download all sorts of things for your Sims. If you want to make an Elf Sim, no problem; download some Elf Ears!
Ear Preset N2 (Elf ears)
Ear Preset 3 (HQ)
Jaxson Jaw Preset N05
We all know how I feel about the base game eyebrows, so we won’t go there. There are loads of eyebrows to download here at TSR: alpha, maxis match, and maxis mix. I generally like the more realistic but clean eyebrows, but I am picky. However, if you want more fluff to your eyebrows, you can have that too!
Eyebrows 31
Dun Eyebrows
Eyebrows N179 
3-D eyelashes are a great addition to your Masculine CAS CC. These eyelashes are generally in the glasses category, so they are an easy free slot unless you already have sunglasses planned for your Sim.
Javelin 3D eyelashes
S-Club WM ts4 eyelashes M 201704
Yes, I generally have makeup on my masculine-styled Sims. I feel this just finishes off the Sim’s look. Even with just a bit of contour to make their faces look more realistically shaped or lip gloss to add a bit of shine, it is worth downloading more CC!
Lip gloss
One thing I do with every masculine-styled Sim is to put light lip gloss on them. In my opinion, the base game lip shades are not entirely realistic or match the color or saturation of what lips should look like. So, I always add lip gloss even if I don’t want anything visible to add that extra element of realism and shade correction.
Lips M2
MINIMALISM – Imide Lipstick
Ari Lipstick
You cannot limit what you can do with CC found on TSR. My goal is to highlight and show you just a sample of what is available here so that you can create whatever type of Sim you can dream up. The variety of CC really allows for the creation of anything. Like Vampires… Mermaids… Wizards, Overworked Ranchers… We got that, too, with that No Sleep Eyeshadow, LOL.
Undead Eyeshadow
No Sleep Eyeshadow
Klir Eyeshadow
Make-up and Skin Details depend on whether I use a Skin Overlay for Masculine Sims. I have a few go-to overlays with a lot of shading and highlights, and I don’t do much besides eyebrows, lip gloss, and eyelashes. However, if I do not use a Skin Overlay, I will use blush and generally double-layer contour, one in the blush category and one in the Skin Details. Again, this gives your Sim some natural highlights and shadows, a more realistic and complete look.
Undead Blush
Ledirt Blush
Lifes A Beach SPF50 Sunscreen
Eyeliner is also quite typical for me to use on masculine-styled Sims. Even if it is just a light eyeliner or turned-down opacity, I feel it helps bring out the eyes, giving the Sims a more unique, not base game look. I also have noticed eyeliner makes 3D lashes look more realistic. Just as you would put eyeliner on with false lashes, right?
Karan eyeliner
Leono Eyeliner
Eyeliner 7 (HQ)
The eyes at TSR are incredible. There is such a selection of all types and colors. I picked just three with natural tones and designs, but I am a sucker for eyes with that hint of light reflecting in an excellent highlight showing the difference in color in the look.
Jax Eyes N162
Eyes 31 (HQ)
Hye Eyes
As you can see, there are many options for Masculine CAS CC! We only looked at skin details, overlays, makeup, eyes, and eyebrows! Again, I aim to highlight some of the CC at TSR to help you achieve your Sim creation goals. There is so much here to create, inspiring me to make more Sims! I hope you have found this blog helpful and download lots of fabulous CC for your Sims.
Keep up with more Sims stuff and what I’m up to at @TSR Jezi.
If you are looking for more CC Finds Blogs, check out CC Finds – Shoes, CC Finds – Piercings, CC Finds – Beach Day, or if you are looking for Décor, Build, and Buy CC, check out Paige’s Room Reno Series.