We all love to cheat, admit it. So below is a list of the current cheats for The Sims 2. If you happen to find a cheat that isn’t listed, then please contact me at [email protected] and let me know.
You can open the Cheat window during the game by pressing the keys CTRL + Shift + C.
General Sims 2 Cheats
Exit: Closes Cheat window
Expand: Expands or contracts the Cheat Window
Kaching: Adds 1,000 Simoleans to your funds
Motherlode: Adds 50,000 Simoleans to your funds
Help: Lists some, but not all, cheats.
Autopatch (on/off): Toggles notification of available game patches
Moveobjects (on/off): Move unmovable objects and put them in illegal places. Causes problems, so use carefully.
Aging (on/off): Sims won’t age.
Vsync (on/off): Turning off increases the games performance, but with some graphical errors as the price.
faceBlendLimits (on/off): When making a child in Create-A-Sim, this cheat will turn off/on facial bounding limitations resulting in very different looking sims.
StretchSkeleton (x): “x” represents a number in which will let you make your sims taller or shorter.
Neighborhood Only Cheats
deleteAllCharacters: At Neighborhood view only. This removes every sim from the neighborhood. Don’t use it unless you really have a good reason to.
TerrainType (desery/temperate): Only in Neighborhood view. Toggles your terrain colors to yellowish/orange (desert style) or green (temperate style).
Filmmaking Cheats
Slowmotion(0-8): 0 is the normal speed and 8 is the slowest.
boolProp enablePostProcessing (true/false): Must be set to true for all filmic cheats to function.
Bloom (r g b x): Computer’s video card must be able to handle pixel shaders. Creates a filmic look in which everythings so bright it blurs together (like a sitcom flashback). “R,” “G,” and “B” are color values (0-255), and “x” is the amount of blooming from 0 to 255.
vignette (centerx centery X): Computer’s video card must be able to handle pixel shaders. Creates a filmic look in which a focale point is clearbut everything around it is blurry. Must first enter “boolProp enablePostProcessing true”.
filmgrain (0-1): Computer’s video card must be able to handle pixel shaders. Creates a film graininess. Must first enter “boolProp enablePostProcessing true.”
letterbox (0.0-0.4): Computer’s video card must be able to handle pixel shaders. Creates a letterbox view of size specified. Must first enter “boolProp enablePostProcessing true.”